Heavy Duty Escalator Step Chain

During our time manufacturing Escalator Conveyor Chains, our knowledge in this area has led us to develop and produce a number of chains for a variety of applications. Alongside the industry standard chains we produce for commercial escalator applications, we also produce much more heavy duty conveyor chains for use in more demanding commuter scenarios.

We have worked alongside one of the largest public transport companies in England and helped give them peace of mind that the conveyor chains they use are not only safe, but also economically viable.



These chains are usually of a more complex design in order to handle the heavier commuter loads that they will witness on a day to day basis.

Precision machined sidebars and inner components to allow for tighter interference fitting and better wear performance. Often they incorporate specially turned greasing components to apply even lubrication along the load bearing components.


If you have any questions, why not contact our technical sales team on +44 1384 455455, or follow the contact link at the top of the page,


The Precision Chains Team,